HAHAHAHAHAHA. Good One. This is the best one that I
have herd since the pellisons reported that they see
terrorists behind every rock and on the other side of
their shot glasses. I was going to respond to this a
couple days ago but well, its hard to type when you
cant stop laughing at the stupidy and nievity of the
Do you ever try and study up on something and think a
little before putting mouth in gear? This is all to
funny. Trying to make people believe that american
legal standards work in Peru. You have a piece of
paper with something written on it. Do you know what a
contract is worth in peru? I can assure you its worth
less than in morocco where people dont bother getting
contracts for deals worth hundreds of thousands of
dollars. The value of your contract is certainly worth
less than the 100 sole banknote that you hand the cop
in charge of enforcing (Or turning a blind eye) the
protection of your bomb crater.
Do you know that in peru the police (excluding the
tourist police), immigration and customs officials
make mexicos traffic police seem like honest
respectable law enforcement people (And theres an
oxymoron for you - "mexican traffic police" and
"honest" in the same sentence)? In Peru if you want to
buy looted artifacts you go to the police, government
and immigration officials (Better have some good
connections first before you try that though). Let me
ask yo this? Did you pay the police before you got
your document? Police in peru wont take a statement
from you without payment first. In Egypt they call it
"Backish". In Peru they dont try and sugar coat the
fact. You should know before you search your crater
that this is not kansas anymore.
And here is something even funnier than thinking peru
is an american state with enforcable american laws. I
have already beaten you to the crater. About two or
three years ago when the meteorites were being paraded
through Peru's media (And obviously not meteorites
even from th epictures) a couple of my friends went
there looking anyway even though I told them it was a
waste of time (Its easy to get to). 
But peruvian scientists declared the basalt to be
meteorites. But you have to remember peru is a place
where scientists and the government are all for the
destruction of cultural artifacts in the name of
keeping them out of collectors hands and this
wholesale destruction has the full support of UNESCO.
For example all around lima the shantytowns are built
over old graveyards and sewage is totally destroying
the items buried underneath. However, Peruvian law is
such that if you dig a hole in your own backyard and
salvage the artifacts that will be destroyed
completely with sewagage in 10 years time you will get
arrested and put in jail. 
Pre columbian graveyards all contain gold by the ton
but the gold artifacts are all melted down into bars
(Once melted down pre colombian gold artifacts are
then legal to export). This with the full support and
knowledge of the peruvian government and UNESCO. Make
no wonder the really smart peruvian government
scientists declared them meteorites.
But you know what. The police in Peru are only
interested in things of value. Since there is nothing
of value (Except old scraptnel which could be sold as
scarap metal I guess) in or around your crater and you
have a legal document to protect it well maybe the
police will enforce your legal title. You have the
legalities to protcet your crater all in place.
I would write more but this is just to funny.
PS: For people who want to know what this is the
crater is an old bomb crater and the meteorites are
either scraptnel or volcanic basalt - something you
would think somebody from peru would know - even
without university training. I had saved some of the
online news reports of the meteorite crater that was
in peru's media a couple years ago but unfortunately I
seem to have deleted the links.

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