Hi Steve and List,

Regarding Peruvian pisco, Steve wrote:

> I can say this, Pisco is great at altitude.  I did not have a hangover
> the next day at all, neither did Marvin or Hurley.  I bought two
> bottles on the way back and have yet to find it here in the US. ...

> P.S. Any liquor importers out there: Re-name "Pisco" to "METEOR" with
> a nice landscape logo with a meteor streaking downward. I bet it would
> then find a market here in the U.S.-- Especially with "high" altitude
> meteorite hunters.

Pisco is actually fairly easy to get in the U.S.  I noticed a while back
that one of my favorite local wine shops (Hi Time Wine Cellars in Costa
Mesa, CA) carries about a half-dozen varities of Pisco:


Perhaps you have a local specialty wine store that offers it.  Or you
may even be able to buy it online at the above link.  Since Pisco is
made from grapes (obviously highly distilled), it is often categorized
with brandy (though sometimes with tequila).  --Rob

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