Randall Gregory asked me to pass this on, as he is unable for
some reason to post to the list:
Hi Steve,
I've tasted a lot of Pisco Sours (national drink of Peru) and my Peruvian
wife makes the best I've ever tasted. We experimented with many different
recipes. Parts can be ounces, quarts gallons.... Here's her recipe.
1 part, freshly squeeze lemon (different from lemons in the USA) but can be
approximated with 1/2 lemon and 1/2 lime.
2 parts cane syrup
3 parts Pisco
1 egg white. Additional egg-white if making over a quart of Pisco sour.
Ice will adjust the strength of the drink, we recommend adding a few cubes,
blend in a mixer, then tasting and adding more ice if necessary.
Blend until creamy white
Pour into a cocktail glass and add a few drops of Angostura bitters or
Cinnamon powder.
Delicious. "muy delicioso"
Randall (Peruvian Nut-Job)
actually I'm not Peruvian but that's OK :)

On 2/27/07, Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would you like me to foreword this to the list?
>        Michael
> on 2/26/07 5:12 PM, Randall Gregory at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > Michael,
>> >
>> > I've extracted a few e-mails from my sent folder that never made it to the
>> > posts, even though they show sucessful delivery. Maybe a bug in the
>> > meteorite-central software. E-mail server. I don't know.
>> >
>> > **
>> > I'm sure some of you remember when Viking captured an image of what was
>> > believed to be an apparent face carved in a natural formation and the
>> > resulting speculation as to whether it might be artifical.
>> >
>> > http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast24may_1.htm
>> >
>> > We now have our own face, clearly visable from space. Our image has been
>> > named "Rostro de Dios" or face of God.
>> >
>> > http://wikimapia.org/#y=-16352427&x=-71948090&z=12&l=0&m=a&v=2
>> <http://wikimapia.org/#y=-16352427&amp;x=-71948090&amp;z=12&amp;l=0&amp;m=a&a
>> mp;v=2> 
>> >
>> > It can also be viewed using Google Earth.
>> >
>> > Randall
>> >
>> > **
>> > Dear List,
>> >
>> > After all this bickering, I thought you might get a kick out of some really
>> > creative videographers. It's pretty funny.
>> >
>> > http://www.boreme.com/boreme/funny-2005/meteorite-p1.php
>> >
>> >
>> > Randall 
>> >
>> >
>> > I am offering absolutely free to you and select members of this forum a
>> > small sample from meteorites found in the south of Peru. I will pay all
>> > shipping costs. I am currently in Peru and expect to send these out when I
>> > return to the United States because international shipping rates here are
>> > very high. Additionally, the shipping agent requires analysis along with a
>> > letter stating composition and a declaration that they are not a hazardous
>> > substance.
>> >
>> > I was in the process of having a sample analyzed by ACTlabs here in Lima
>> > until I found out that they actually send the samples to ACTlabs in Canada.
>> > The samples will be completely analyzed using Instrumental Neutron
>> > Activation Analysis, XRF, and high resolution inductively coupled plasma
>> > mass spectrometry in Canada. I will post the result. Noble gas analysis and
>> > dating are currently beyond my budget.
>> >
>> > The reason why I am making this offer is that I need to get some of this
>> > material into the hands of serious collectors in exchange for comments,
>> > links, references or general help in having these meteorites analyzed and
>> > classified. I have taken pictures of these samples and some have been seen
>> > by a few meteorite dealers. Their comments have been that these rocks do >>
>> > look like meteorites. Even when I described the composition as basaltic,
>> one 
>> > dealer said it looked like sandstone!?
>> >
>> > These meteorites were found in a zone of a known meteorite fall. With the
>> > cooperation and assistance of the Geophysical Institute of Peru and the
>> > National University San Agustin I discovered the main impact structure a
>> > short time ago after an 8 day expedition into a very remote part of Peru. I
>> > have videos of this and other expeditions along with video recorded
>> > eye-witness testimony that assisted in helping to located the main fall.
>> >
>> > I have a theory but I would prefer not to speculate where these meteorites
>> > came from. What I can say is that they exhibit extreme hardness that is
>> > equivalent or exceeding quartz, have a very thin fusion crust, and most are
>> > pitted with micro-craters. I have done some crude experiments on my own to
>> > see if I could duplicate the fusion crust on a piece that I fragmented.
>> > Using a oxy-acetylene torch and a blacksmith's furnace I subjected various
>> > fragments to wide temperature ranges and durations without success. I used
>> > diamond coated saw and found quartz was easier to cut.
>> >
>> > Comments appreciated.
>> >
>> > Randall
>> >
>> >
>> > Dr. Korotev,
>> >
>> > I have asked you politely to change your Meteor-wrong website to reflect
>> the 
>> > truth. All your photos relating to the web-page are from venusmeteorite.com
>> <http://venusmeteorite.com> .
>> > At least allow the author and myself sufficient time to complete our
>> testing
>> > before you label our specimens meteor-wrongs. I do thank you for at least
>> > helping me to narrow my testing to cosmogenic isotope analysis. I have
>> > compiled a list of all the major facilities that can perform this type of
>> > testing. From Arizona, MIT, Caltech, UofM, France, Germany, Miami, Warner,
>> Columbia, NASA, Argonne, etc..
>> >
>> > All I ask is that you be fair to us. You KNOW that the only specimens of
>> > this particular type of rock are from Utah and Peru. The author of
>> > venusmeteorite.com  <http://venusmeteorite.com>  and myself know deep down
>> that we have something unique.
>> > At least give us credit for that. For you to so quickly label our specimens
>> > meteor-wrongs without scientific evidence is not fair.
>> >
>> > Randall 
>> > .
>> >
>> >
>> > *I'm* sure some of you will be delighted even rejoice that I am retiring
>> > from this list. Its been greatly entertaining. Sometimes you have to create
>> > a little controversy. Stir the pot, so to speak.
>> >
>> > Before I go, I want to summarize a few things.
>> >
>> > Even with my $250 offer, nobody has yet produced a photo of any rocks
>> > identical to venusmeteorite.com <http://venusmeteorite.com>  or the samples
>> I have.
>> >
>> > An event happened on Feb 2, 2004 in the town of El Castillo, Peru. Daytime
>> > fireball.
>> >
>> > Something fell from the sky and was witnessed by many people.
>> > Eyewitness reports have been videotaped.
>> >
>> > A seismic event was recorded registering approx. 4.0. I have the seismic
>> > waveforms.
>> >
>> > To date, nobody in the meteorite community has positively identified the
>> > specimens to be terrestrial or ET.
>> >
>> > Responses to the crater pics have been natural erosion, volcano hole, bomb
>> crater. I expected this.Yet nobody did the simple math to compare total
>> material volume in the crater 160 x 95 and seismic energy released (1
>> kiloton). 
>> >
>> > And finally, I wish to thank the scientists that have given me real expert
>> > opinions. Especially the ones that have offered to send samples to
>> > institutions specializing in identification.
>> >
>> > And to the some of the other list members who contributed absolutely
>> > nothing. Thanks for the labels. Nut-bag, Asshole, Idiot, Dumbass, Prick,
>> > Dick, Crackpot, etc.  So quick to judge and even quicker to label.
>> >
>> > You can now stop the comments and replies.  I won't be reading them. I need
>> > to put my efforts into a Atacama expedition and finish corrospondence with
>> > my new contacts in the scientific community. Please continue with your
>> > trading...
>> >
>> > Adios Amigos,
>> >
>> > Randall
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > P.S. Some of the amusing comments in case anyone missed them.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Dumbass!
>> >
>> > By the way, do mentally ill paranoids such as yourself actually realise
>> that 
>> > they are ill?
>> > Steve
>> >
>> > WOW, Nice guy you are!
>> > I  am already in Peru, stealing your stones! Buddy, I
>> > will call the KGB and have you kidnapped and killed!
>> > Mike
>> >
>> >
>> > Are you as big a prick as you appear to be?
>> > Frank
>> >
>> > Your post made you out to be a very large hemorrhoid
>> > Dave
>> >
>> > I have to say that my first impression of you was correct.
>> > You are a dick
>> > Pete
>> >
>> > Listees: I propose we all add another crackpot to the blocked senders
>> > list (I just did). What say you? Quite a few on there already, but
>> > always room for one more   : )
>> > G.
>> >
>> > Would it be ok if I stay at your friends
>> > house? Will I need my own detector?
>> > S.
>> >
>> >
>> > I have already been to this site, seen the crater, and taken several of
>> > the meteorites we found there. The Peruvian police were of great
>> assistance,
>> > and I would like to thank them publicly for their kindly assistance to my
>> > expedition team of 8 meteorite hunters, 2 meteoriticists, and 1 lobotomist.
>> > Pete
>> >
>> >
>> > I'm not entirely clear on this-- is this big meteorite strewnfield
>> > (with the threats of drawing, quartering, and reincarnation as a young boy
>> > trapped in an elevator with Michael Jackson if you jump his claim
>> >
> --
> You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice
> because thorns have roses.
>            - Ziggy - in a comic strip by Tom Wilson
> --


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