Wow he is almost back,but not quite.Hey I do not care
if proud tom comes back or not.It has been a few years
since I got lambasted by him.Actually it was quite
funny.Being as super liberal as I am,I laughed all the
way to the funny bank.I know pt is a fictional
character made up of someone who is very good with a
computer.My hats off to him.I believe that there is a
line we should never cross.He has made up his own.I
know that there are a few people who do not like his
"humor".For me it does not even bother me.IT IS ONLY
WORDS!Hot air coming off of someone's computer.Like
Mr. blood says,the delete key is only 1 inch away from
my little finger,and I use it alot.I know that I am
not liked by some people on this list,and that is
ok,but proud tom is just a fictional character who
sometimes has gone overboard,but not a problem for
me.My mom always told me,A SMILE IS A NICE REFLECTION
ON YOU.So if pt comes back so what,if not,no biggy to
me.There is just to much negativity going on in this
world,it really does not take much effort to smile.But
it is really amazing how much energy we put into being
negative.Well long live proud tom or may he rest in
piece.I hope everyone on the list has a great day
while I set and wait for my 510 gram GAO to come to
it's new home.

steve arnold,chicago

Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
  Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
  Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites

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