Bill, Norbert, Dave, and All,
Sorry for this duplicate, but the first hasn't turn up on the list yet.

Hi Bill,
I won't add to the points covered by Norbert.

When I first saw one of Al's sale, I thought it was fake.
I emailed 'flabster' via eBay and asked how he had
acquired the fragments.  'Flabster' simply replied, "easy, walking
along the streets with a magnet in a plastic container
and frequently removing the pieces, besides loads of
car pieces! Best wishes, Al".

Not knowing who he was or understanding that fragments
had surrounded the residence, I issue a warning to other IMCA
members about the auction. Dave Harris who knew Al quickly
corrected my misconceptions. I have since been in contact
with the very kind, reputable Al Falster and I have no reason
to doubt his expertise.      

Bill if you check the link you'll find detailed results of
samples tested.  If you are not confident of an auction for any
reason, don't bid.  However, if you know of fragments being
sold that are not genuine, you need contact the seller. If the
seller is an IMCA member and you cannot obtain satisfaction,
you can file a compliant via the web site. IMCA will contact you
and the member. 

And you would probably get much higher bids if your PF fragments
were accompanied with written authentication by Paul Sipiera
or the like. Not a bad idea.

Ken Newton


Bill wrote:


Most of us know about the N.O. excursion. Point is, how reliable can the 
authenticty of street crumbs be? Can the IMCA vouch for each and every crumb 
that's sold by a member of your org.? I have buckets of very nice crumbs from 
PF that I could market. Can I sell if I buy an imca number or do I need the 
crumbs authenticated. Any volunteers? My point being obvious, I hope.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 05:44:34 -0500
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Orleans

Hi Bruce,
After the fall on the Fausset home, Al Falster (ebay seller 'flabster'),
a geologist from the University of New Orleans and a group of students
collected impact fragments off the streets surrounding the residence.
Since then, Al and others have been selling the small 'street' fragments
on ebay. (photos)

ken newton

Bruce Yankewitz wrote:


Seems to me that virtually all of the New Orleans meteorite to reach
the collector market has been in almost indentical, crumb-sized
pieces. Anyone know why this is so?


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