Hello List,

I do -- barely.  I found a very small (olivine bronzite most likely)  
chondrite about 4-1/2 yrs ago.  Nice little (very little) stone with  
fusion crust visible on most of it.  I only had a 10x loupe at the  
time and couldn't really see it as good as I was wanting to, so I  
bought a cheap 20x loupe.  The body of the loupe was magnetic (don't  
ever recommend that type).  I put the small meteorite on a magnet and  
then attempted to get my first up close look at the stone.  The  
moment the loupe got close to the magnet, the two snapped together,  
shearing/crushing the little stone in half.  I looked the room over  
for a good two hours trying to find the part that was missing.  No  
luck.  The impact must have pulverized it or when it landed it went  
into something in the room that I failed to look in.  Lesson learned  
-- threw that loupe away.  For the record though, none of my little  
suspect stones have been certified.

To Ruben, I admire that you were able to let go of your meteorites  
like that and let others share in them. That was way cool!

Michael Murray
micro hunter of southwest Colorado

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