

I'm new to the meteorite-list but surmise from reading that you've got a
good handle on meteorite history. Do you have any insight into the


A piece of this specimen is at ASU for positive ID. It is stoney, does not
attract a magnet, with lots of large condrules. The time (1881) may be off a
few years. It belongs to a friend of ours. 



In 1881 Andrew Jackson Warner was driving a stagecoach approximately fifteen
miles west of Rose City Michigan when he heard what he described as a train
passing over his head. Looking up he saw a large rock plunge to the ground
in front and to the side of his route. He stopped the stage, got off and
walked to where the rock had come to rest. It was slightly imbedded in the
ground but was not hot enough to start a fire. He got back on the stage and
drove to his destination - Damon Michigan about nine miles away.

He put the stage away then hooked the horses to a large wooden sled called a
stone boat. He returned to the impact site and using the horses he pulled
the rock upon the sled. He estimated it weighed about 900 pounds. He secured
it to the sled with wire and pulled it into Damon and off loaded it at the
Damon School Yard where it lay for over 75 years. Over the years about
twenty pounds was chipped away for souvenirs.

Warner's great-great-great grandson retrieved it from the school yard and
has it stored in a garage. The remaining mass and pieces total about 750


Damon was a logging camp which was abandoned years ago. 






Barb Baker





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