Bonjour, Salut, Hello,

Zelimir wrote: "I bet you also got one"

Here's what I got - Please enjoy (reading about them)!



1. Gao-Guenie (H5 or H4-5):

- thin section: shows fusion crust and shock veins - several (radiating)
  pyroxene chondrules - pyroxenes outnumber olivines.
- crusted individual, two perfect chondrule pits (chondrules missing) - 2.65 g
- lenticular dome-shaped frothy vesicular oriented individual, distinct 
rollover lip - 4.1 g
- cut slice / brownish matrix / abundant metal / crust / brecciated - 8.5 g
- triangular crusted individual with window showing several chondrules, one 
side warty - 23.26 g
- showpiece purchased from Michael Cottingham: a fully crusted individual, 
shallow regmaglypts
  on one side and flight marks - 194 grams

2. Gao-Guenie (imb):

Trapezoidal endcut. FeNi flakes close to stream channels preferred orientation. 
Delicate black
veinlets traverse the melt flow. On one side there are remnants of ordinary Gao 
matrix texture.
A few small troilite patches visible - 2.18 grams

3. Gao-Guenie (CR):

Oval fragment with large chondrule that contains intrachondrule aggregates - 
0.2 gram

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