How much I wish we would have held our horses instead of spitting
venom, but this "discussion" has once again reached a point that
makes it hard, at least for me, to keep my mouth shut.

Mike, no hard feelings, but though there is no doubt about your efforts and 
your untiring enthusiasm and though we all know you are willing to risk
money and health when it comes to meteorites, Armando does not basically
complain about Ourique or any other meteoritic deeds of daring but about
your unbridled, hard to stop aggressiveness. Here are a few - just a few(!)
comments, excerpts from mails (part of them to be found in the archives),
the Matteo-Farmer diatribes are not included, though they are still painfully
ringing in most list members' ears (let alone the T-shirt "affair").

May 2000: Art expelled Mike Farmer for undue behavior on the list.

Dec 2000: it was Mike Farmer who started the "below the belt" campaign.

Sep 2001: I think nobody wants to tell Mike Farmer who question
is for fear that Mike will rake [him/her] ... over the coals.

Aug 2002: As long as he and Mike Farmer don't start slinging mud
at one another. The next round has just started :-(

You're right about the Farmer-Bessey mudslinging. It really does get out
of hand and soils both their reputations when they resort to name-calling.

Nov 2002: I agree completely. He seems to type first and think later, and
in the meantime 500 people have to read his emotional outbursts. 

Sep 2003: one of the most aggressive characters is and always has been Mike 

Oct 2003: a few days ago I finally blew up at Mike Farmer for his swearing on 
the list

Nov 2003: we had to wade ankle-deep through the Farmer/Casper diatribes

Feb 2004: I've also seen and read Casper come and go, bashing Mike Farmer,
when Mike was not so established as he is now - and unfortunately Mike seems
to be doing the very same thing now.

Mar 2004: I'm afraid Mike is a loose cannon who tends to release his mouth
before his brain is fully engaged.

Mar 2004: I can see why it is impossible for some List members to express their
thoughts. It is no fun getting caught up in a Farmer argument. I must admit, it 
hard not to respond to some of his attacks. Just as long as he gets the last 
word ...

Mike Farmer: "Anyone selling NWA 987 and saying that there were more stones
is full of crap."

Apr 2005 (?): the dirty laundry just aired between Farmer and Casper.



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