Hello List and BL lovers,

Some of you will remember that the brecciated LL5 chondrite NWA 1794 (LL5; S2; 
W1; br)
that has numerous light-colored clasts and interspersed medium and dark gray 
clasts in
its darker parts of the matrix was thought by some of us to be paired with 
Dean's NWA 1685.
My 8.5-gram slice of NWA 1794 (from the Hupés) can be seen on Jeff's website 
over the
caption "A similar meteorite, NWA 1794, but not BL" (photo courtesy Greg Hupé). 
magnified view (16x) was taken by me and shows the same field of view that is 
in Greg's picture, i.e. the edge or corner of that large, creamy white "clast" 
these rusty areas. 


The crusts of NWA 1794 and NWA 1685 do indeed look similar, their matrix has 
that bluish
tint (not easily visible in Greg's photo but more so in my 16x magnified pic 
and also if
you look at my slice in person), both meteorites have those "achondritic" areas 
that are
devoid of chondrules.

On the other hand, Jeff K's picture of his NWA 1794 that you can see here:


.. looks totally different. Hmm, the BL mystery lives on and one ;-)



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