Last February after Tucson show I was able to visit two collections: Bob 
Cucchiara and Jason & Peter Utas. It was an amazing experience. I had a 
great time in both visits and I would like to thank them and their 
familes. Each collection is different and to see other's treasures is 
amazing: Bob and his hundreds of beauty specimens, Jason and Peter with 
their amazing big Irons and their Californians dry lakes discoveries. I 
also visited Matt Morgan and Oscar Turone homes in the past and I hope to 
have the chance to see more collections in the future.
About my own collection, I had several visitors, including some well 
known meteorite friends as Sabine Valange and Zelimir Gabelica. Of course 
anyone that came down here (Buenos Aires) is invited to see it.
-----Original Message-----
From: steve arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 06:20:43 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [meteorite-list] showing off your collections

> Hi rob.That was a great post.I offer this up to anyone
> who comes thru chicagoland.I will be more than happy
> to show off my very nice gao collection.In 8 plus
> years of collecting,I have only seen 2
> collections.JASON PHILLIPS and SONNY CLARY.Both very
> impressive.For jason's,the sheer size of everthing he
> has and for sonny's,all the nevada finds he has.It
> would be nice to see other's.I know we have alot of
> list members in the midwest.It would be nice to throw
> like a midwest gathering for a day like a saturday.I
> think that would be fun.
> steve arnold
> Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
>   Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999!!
>   in Gao Meteorites!
>   Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites
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