------------ Original Message ------------
Re Nevada picture of the day / Reply to Ruben Garcia
Ruben Garcia meteoritemall at yahoo.com 
Mon Apr 9 16:08:07 EDT 2007 

I'm retiring from meteorite hunting, I think stamp 
collecting would be less trouble. 

Ruben Garcia 
Phoenix, Arizona
------------ End of Original Message -------------

Apologies to the List,

I had no idea that my post would have this kind of an
effect on the reader.  
Who knows how many countless numbers of people have
turned themselves away from a hobby in meteorites
because of  my articles!  Just a few more of my posts
and soon it will be only me and Chicago Steve on this

Ruben, you should be thankful that we never carpooled
together out to Willcox Playa.  Can you imagine me
going on and on for hours about provisional numbering?
You'd be lucky if you didn’t end up like some of my
“Team Members” below:  


Arrrghh!  We be plunderin’ the Mohave Desert, fur
shor’ matey!

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