You guys are so funny.  Even though I totally love and appreciate your 
knowledge, and insight, I really love these silly conversations.  Life is 
short, and well, just thanks for entertaining me as well as informing me.
Susa> Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 00:22:46 -0500> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Re Nevada 
picture of the day / Reply to Ruben Garcia> > Hi Robert,> > I used to have a 
nice little marble collection, but then I lost all my > marbles.> So I next 
took up collecting space rocks, a natural transition. I've been> confused ever 
since so your letters make perfect sense to me.> > But Ruben definitely has a 
good idea. Just lick, stick, then stand back and> admire. I could handle that. 
Move over Ruben, I think I'll join you.> > Loved the picture..."Parates of the 
Mojave." Arrrgh.> > Jerry> > > Robert Verish wrote:> > ------------ Original 
Message ------------> > Re Nevada picture of the day / Reply to Ruben Garcia> > 
Ruben Garcia meteoritemall at > > Mon Apr 9 16:08:07 EDT 2007 > >> > 
I'm retiring from meteorite hunting, I think stamp > > collecting would be less 
trouble. > >> > Ruben Garcia > > Phoenix, Arizona> > ------------ End of 
Original Message -------------> >> > Apologies to the List,> >> > I had no idea 
that my post would have this kind of an> > effect on the reader. > > Who knows 
how many countless numbers of people have> > turned themselves away from a 
hobby in meteorites> > because of my articles! Just a few more of my posts> > 
and soon it will be only me and Chicago Steve on this> > List…> >> > Ruben, you 
should be thankful that we never carpooled> > together out to Willcox Playa. 
Can you imagine me> > going on and on for hours about provisional numbering?> > 
You'd be lucky if you didn’t end up like some of my> > “Team Members” below: > 
>> >> >> > 
Arrrghh! We be plunderin’ the Mohave Desert, fur> > shor’ matey!> >> >> > 
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