At least we now know who drove Ruben away from
meteorites. What is with California and arrogance
about who owns the strewnfields? I recall that two
years ago, a group who went meteorite hunting was
turned in and harrassed for hunting "someones
What a crock, if you don't own the land, you should
not say a thing about someone else who hunts there, or
how they turn in their finds. Sonny has been one of
the most successful meteorite hunters to appear in the
last few years, and he deserves nothing but credit,
not harrassment. I have avoided hunting anywhere NEAR
California due to the rotten attitudes and "better
than thou" sentiment that oozes from some of these
groups. Perhaps it is time for me to start hunting
some dry lake beds.
Michael Farmer

Moni, that statement
"Guess I'm just jealous that Sonny gets to do
things his way, and I'm forced to abide by
"guidelines", sure as heck sounds like harrassment to
me. Especially since the NOMCOM has cleared it up and
Sonny can do it any way he see's fit, so Verish is
wrong on that issue, and has just been proven wrong by
the nomcom themselves.

--- Moni Waiblinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sonny,
> this is not harassment.
> Like I wrote to you before its simply an opinion of
> a writer writing his 
> article.
> The last Nevada find was thought of a find from John
> Blennert.
> If you see it as an harassment, I am sorry, which I
> also told you before.
> I am not Bob V.s parrot, but as a Californian
> meteorite hunter I would like 
> to have other hunters coming into this state help
> the hunters that are on 
> these dry lakes for number of years, logging all the
> finds and numbering 
> them as well to have the TKW for the areas and the
> different classifications 
> for the different finds on the lakes.
> I think you are right that one could get numbers or
> no numbers if this is 
> the Nom rules, when you think it is the time, but
> getting numbers to keep 
> things a bit in order doesn't tell anyone that you
> hunt there, it is only 
> known by Rhian Jones, which is kept in strictest
> confidence.
> It does help out the hunters here in California and
> there are more than just 
> Bob.
> And just like Bob, you wouldn't'f feel so harassed
> by him, if you wouldn't 
> want things to be the way you are wanting them to
> be.
> Your way.
> Two opinions and that is the way it goes.
> So no parrot on Bob's back, just my opinion coming
> from California where 
> things are done a bit different than Arizona.
> Happy hunting,
> Moni
> >To:
> >Subject: [meteorite-list] New information from
> Nomenclature re: 
> >provisionalnames and numbers
> >Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 12:24:28 -0400
> >
> >Dear List,
> >
> >I am sending this email in response to an ongoing
> thread regarding 
> >provisional names and numbers for new finds. I hope
> this puts an end to the 
> >thread. I have contacted the Nomenclature regarding
> this issue and received 
> >the following response.
> >
> >
> >
> >>Dear Sonny,
> >>Thanks for your phone message as well as this
> email.
> >>You can look up the committee membership and the
> rules and guidelines
> >on the Meteoritical Society website.
> >>The Committee has no requirements regarding
> getting provisional
> >numbers within a fixed time. In fact there is no
> requirement to get a 
> >provisional >number at all. If you want to just
> submit a meteorite at the 
> >time it is classified that is fine. Similarly,
> there is no time requirement 
> >for submitting a >new find. When fragments are
> clearly paired it is fine to 
> >include them all in the same number.
> >>I hope this clarifies things.
> >
> >
> >I hope this will end the harassment from Mr. Bob
> Verish and Team Verish. As 
> >you can see I have done nothing wrong in the delay
> of getting provisonal 
> >numbers and names for all of  my new finds. I have
> chosen to complete field 
> >study work before aquiring any provisional names or
> numbers.
> >Below is an excerpt from one of Bob's emails.
> >
> >>Guess I'm just jealous that Sonny gets to do
> things
> >>his way, and I'm forced to abide by "guidelines".
> >
> >  ( Nevada Picture Of
> The Day) The last 2 
> >months have been focused negativley on my finds.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Sonny
> >
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