To Bob, Sonny and List,
I know I'm going to open a can of worms with this reply, but I'm having a hard time keeping quiet. I know it is List policy to not post personal emails and it appears that Sonny has done just that. However, I stand in support of Sonny on this issue and find it offensive that Bob V. would insinuate or speculate that "someone else" has irritated or offended the Smithsonian Institute to the point that they are "clamping down" on meteorite hunters.

Bob Verish wrote: (quoted from below)

"...I don't have any of the details but rumor has it that
somebody who found a bunch of meteorites on public
lands has offended the hardliners at the Smithsonian
by claiming that they all belong to the finder, which
challenges the S.I.s claim of ownership of all finds
on public lands.  As a result, the status quo that we
in California have been trying so hard to preserve is
now out the window.  The S.I. has up'd the ante.  They
have reacted by requesting a separate type specimen be
delivered to the S.I. for any find made on public

But I don't know how much of this is true, and I don't
want to spread a false rumor."

If anyone has " offended the hardliners" at the SI, I think we need to look no farther that Bob Verish's side yard. Claiming that LA001 and LA002 were found in an old crate of agates and jaspers ( see Meteorite Magazine August 2000) in his side yard is more than likely the real cause of any rancor or animosity expressed by the SI. Shorty after Bob's "rediscovery" of his valuable twins, I had a long talk, in person, with Roy Clark Jr. He was of the very strong opinion that not only did the two Martian meteorites come from public lands, but that Bob also knew exactly where they came from. Now, that's just his opinion, and may or may not be mine as well, but I can see where that particular incident could possibly be the REAL issue that could create problems between meteorite hunters and the SI.

Let's pin the tail on the right donkey.  Let's give credit where credit is due.

In closing, I will say the following. Any other time I've crossed swords with Bob V. he's bombarded me with condescending and derogatory emails. So, to keep the dog at bay, I forewarn Mr. Verish that I reserve the right to forward to this Meteorite List any emails he sends to me personally.


John Gwilliam

At 08:16 AM 4/12/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bob ,

Please stop emailing me. I would appreciate it in the future if you would share any of your concerns with Met List and not me. If anyone in this hobby is going to ruin it for the rest of us it will be you. With the rumored phone calls to the BLM and various Universities snooping for information I am sure this hobby will suffer.


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Attached Message
Subject: Re: Giving credit where (official) credit is due
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 10:56 PM

Hi Sonny,

That's a very good point.

So good, in fact, that when I brought it up with the
NomComm (several years ago) that's when they
instituted having to supply specific data along with a
request for a provisional number.  But if you're still
not comfortable with that, then by all means, don't
get provisional numbers for that locality.

But all of this is moot, because there are bigger
issues, at hand, which require looking at the bigger
picture.  There appears to be some changes in the
works.  I may have to post to the List in order to
address these broader issues.

I don't have any of the details but rumor has it that
somebody who found a bunch of meteorites on public
lands has offended the hardliners at the Smithsonian
by claiming that they all belong to the finder, which
challenges the S.I.s claim of ownership of all finds
on public lands.  As a result, the status quo that we
in California have been trying so hard to preserve is
now out the window.  The S.I. has up'd the ante.  They
have reacted by requesting a separate type specimen be
delivered to the S.I. for any find made on public

But I don't know how much of this is true, and I don't
want to spread a false rumor.

Bob V.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 4/11/2007 12:34:22 P.M. Pacific
Daylight Time,

But  that's all I'm asking of
Sonny; to get the "credit" he deserves by securing
with provisional names and numbers.

Otherwise, some other person  could make another
from his "study area" unknowingly, and go ahead of
with getting that area named and 001 number
and worse, get  published before Sonny could get

That's only one of  many good reasons,
Bob V.

Hi Bob,

I appreciate your concern. But lets try this one
more time! The reason  I do
not wish to get a provisional number or name until
all of the of the field
work is complete is for this reason. Because of the
loop hole you figured out
many years ago! Not to say you that would do this.
Example; Lets say a
meteorite hunter has been working an area for a few
years with many finds and
received provisional numbers on all of his finds.
Another is curious about  this
location. All he would have to do is say he found a
couple meteorites from  that
location and request provisional numbers. The
Nomenclature may  reply " Ok
Bob,your provisional numbers will be 35 and 36"! Bob
never  hunted this
location, has just found out that  34 meteorites
were recovered  from this location.
What a better resource for gaining information
regarding a new location.

This is a problem we have to address as a meteorite
hunting community. I do
not know the answer. We should come up with an idea
on how to solve this
problem. What the current system in place does is
give confirmation of first
meteorite found and credit to the finder.
Unfortunately it can also be a source
of information to someone digging for data. It is
not the fault of the
Nomenclature but a system that is in place. This is
the reason I choose to wait  on
submitting information.


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