Hi Tom,
Thanks for the great pictures!


-----Original Message-----
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 7:53 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Any one find any "Space Pearls"? Observations wanted. Micrographs to send!

Hi List. I have started to call them "Space Pearls" You have to open a lot
of meteorites to find them.

What I am talking about is  a unique crystal structure in a small round
chondrule/inclusion. These objects stand out from the matrix as very different

and I have found them in very different meteorite material. The first one I found was in a slice of JaH 055, a photo of that one was published in Meteorite

Magazine. Since then I have only found partial or not completely developed (apparently) examples. Yesterday I found an other one. These are not common. I have cut, polished and examined hundreds of meteorites and I am only up
to 2  good examples.

Perhaps some others have come on to these objects as well? Always much smaller than a chondrule. Hardly visible with out magnification and no
can be seen so spotting them would require  microscope viewing.

Please email me and I will send an email with embedded micrographs (nothing to download separately). I am eager to hear observations of what these are
and if you have noticed them before.

Thanks,  Tom Phillips

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