Good Morning-
    I understand this is a meteorite group- but may I
please ask a tektite question to get some opinions?
    Many of the tektites I own seem to have almost
"machined and polished like flat" surfaces on them.
Some have elongated hollow areas- again smooth inside.
 It is almost like the molten glass set up on smooth
flat or elongated surfaces.
    The balance of the same tektites' surfaces are
worn and pitted from reentry, weathering, etc..
    In other words- these areas look totally out of
place to me but seem to be common in some of mine and
in photos that I have seen.
    Understanding that tektites are of questionable
origin and formation to begin with- would any of you
please offer suggestions as to what you think may
cause these out of place surfaces?

Thank You
Mike Groetz

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