   Are they too far gone to slather them in BBQ sauce
and build a bonfire underneath each?
   Sorry- I know its' lunchtime...  ;-)

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi List,
> While on a recent road trip to hunt meteorites at
> Tungsten Mtn I 
> decided to stop at Smith Creek Valley Dry Lake. The
> area looked like a 
> possible place to hunt meteorites. After about an
> hour of searching I 
> saw something in the distance that looked out of
> place. I decided to 
> check out the unknown object. What I found was a
> large wooden pole 
> probably 25 ft. high with a COW carcass impaled upon
> it. It looked like 
> it had been there for some time. I took a few
> pictures and moved on. I 
> decided to go to the opposite end of the lake and I
> saw another post 
> with a large object on top. By this time I had quit
> hunting and drove 
> toward the post. To my amazement there was another
> cow on top of this 
> post with a Raven's nest in its belly. This goes to
> show that you never 
> know what you will find in the desert. I would have
> camped there... but 
> I didn't want to disrupt the evil spirits! Not that
> I was scared or 
> anything!
> Warning some of the pictures may be offensive to
> some! View at your own 
> risk!
> Sonny
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> more about what's free 
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