Marcin wrote:

"... a big, pretty, complete, yelow, radiant chondrule...I must say that THIS
one should not be here. This chondrule just not fit to this CK matrix. This kind
of chondrule I can expect in L3 or H3 but in CK?"

Hello Marcin and List,

These words remind me of what I wrote last March 04 about Carsten's NWA 4679
(CK4) - paired with Philippe Thomas's NWA 4425 - C3.8. If your MC036 chondrite
happens to be paired with the other two CK's, my comment re: NWA 4679 might once
again be of interest. Here it is:

"As such macrochondrules have not been observed in CK chondrites, I wonder 
where this
huge 12-mm BO chondrule comes from. Maybe from the meteorite that collided with 
the CK
parent body of NWA 4679? If so, was it an H, an L, or an LL chondrite? The 
sheer size
of this macrochondrule speaks in favor of an L chondrite."

Here is the URL for those who haven't seen this megachondrule yet: 

Best regards,


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