SPIRIT UPDATE: Remarkable Rover Continues to Astonish - sol 1200-1206,
May 31, 2007:

Spirit is still making new discoveries despite dragging its feet, so to
speak, after losing use of the right front wheel 426 sols, or Martian
days, ago. In the process of creating small trenches while traversing
Martian terrain, the dragging right front wheel revealed one of the most
astonishing discoveries so far -- exceptionally high silica content in
Martian soil, indicative of water at some point in the past. Two of
Spirit's scientific instruments -- the alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer
and the miniature thermal emission spectrometer -- measured a
composition of about 90 percent pure silica in a soil target known as
"Gertrude Weise."

Sol-by-sol summary:

In addition to daily observations of atmospheric dust levels using the
panoramic camera and surveys of the sky and ground using the miniature
thermal emission spectrometer, Spirit completed the following activities:

Sol 1200 (May 19, 2007): Spirit started a 23.25-hour study with the
Moessbauer spectrometer and surveyed the rover's tracks as well as
targets known as "Josephine Kabick," "Nalda Phillips1," "Nalda
Phillips2," "Marilyn Olinger," and "Eileen Burmeister" with the
miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Sol 1201: Spirit watched for morning dust devils, stowed the robotic
arm, and bumped backward in 60-centimeter (24-inch) "steps," or
intervals. After each step, Spirit scuffed the soil with the left front
wheel by rotating the wheel 180 degrees. The rover did this for a
distance of 4.19 meters (13.8 feet). After the drive, Spirit acquired
images of the scuffed terrain and the terrain ahead with the navigation

Sol 1202: Spirit completed a survey at high sun using the panoramic
camera. Spirit acquired panoramic camera images of the scuffed area and
surveyed Gertrude Weise with the miniature thermal emission
spectrometer. The rover searched for dust devils by acquiring navigation
camera movies in coordination with overhead observations by the High
Resolution Science Imaging Experiment on board the Mars Reconnaissance

Sol 1203: Spirit monitored dust on the rover mast and watched for dust
devils in the morning. Spirit acquired navigation camera images before
driving 6.68 meters (21.9 feet) around obstacles en route to "Home
Plate." After the drive, Spirit acquired images with the hazard
avoidance cameras and navigation camera.

Sol 1204: Spirit spent the first part of the sol analyzing the rover's
external calibration target with the miniature thermal emission
spectrometer, searching for clouds with the navigation camera, and
acquiring movies in search of dust devils with the navigation camera.
The rover then acquired image mosaics of the dune field known as "El
Dorado" with the panoramic camera in addition to systematic foreground
data with the miniature thermal emission spectrometer. Spirit acquired
navigation camera images, searched again for dust devils, and acquired
more panoramic camera images.

Sol 1205: Spirit completed a systematic ground survey with the panoramic
camera, unstowed the robotic arm, brushed the surface of a target known
as "Pesapallo," acquired stereo microscopic images of the surface, then
placed the alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer on it. Spirit acquired data
with the alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer for 18.75 hours.

Sol 1206 (May 25, 2007): Spirit searched for morning dust devils,
retracted the robotic arm, and placed the Moessbauer spectrometer on
Pesapallo. The rover acquired Moessbauer spectrometer data for 23 hours.
Spirit acquired panoramic camera images of a target known as "Bullpen"
and miniature thermal emission spectrometer data from a target known as
"Joyce Steel." The following morning, Spirit was scheduled to conduct a
survey of the horizon with the panoramic camera in addition to studies
with the miniature thermal emission spectrometer.


As of sol 1204 (May 23, 2007), Spirit's total odometry was 7,120.34
meters (4.42 miles).

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