Hello List,

I would like to direct your attention to Marcin's latest acquisition: NWA 4781,
a rare and unique addition to the exotic group of CH chondrites (see David
Weir's excellent website for more information on the CH-clan!). The NWA number
is still provisional but will soon be official. This unique chondrite has been
classified by two (!) different labs and both David and I had the pleasure to
"study" pictures of this significant Hot Desert find before it was offered to
the collecting community.

Right now there are only six CH chondrites worldwide:

AƧfer 182 / 207 / 214 / 366 - Allan Hills 85085 and: NWA 4781

.. so I think that Marcin's $/gram price for such
an ultrarare meteorite is more than very attractive:


I've taken pictures of my 1.184-gram endcut (magnification:16x and 32x)
just in case any potential buyers are interested in seeing its tiny chondrules
(average mean diameter ca. 0.1 mm) up close.

Best wishes from the proud owner
of 1 + 1.184 grams of NWA 4781.


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