
I agree wholeheartedly with Rob. When industry and science conclude that they 
can control these conditions, we will all be wearing aluminum foil global 
warming protection hats that are guaranteed to save us, our children and the 

Our lives are regulated to the point of insanity as it is. If things get worse, 
I'll welcome the warm cleansing effect of a real climate changing impact. It IS 
one of many more plausible explanations.



> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 19:12:26 -0700
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Global Warming - Scientifically proven or a
> farce
> Hi Rob,
>         I am usually able to waylay any strong feelings posts
> might arouse in me. However, when talking about the survival
> of not only everyone I love, but of the majority of life forms on
> the planet it becomes a little more difficult for me to keep my
> feelings in check. However, I will try.
>         I strongly suggest that if you have ANY belief in the
> scientific process at all that you examine the following:
> 1) The history and current movement WORLD WIDE by
> the vast majority of scientists as expressed in the United
> Nations .... After years of denial of scientific evidence, finally
> a treaty was negotiated in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997.
> Of the 173 recognized countries on the planet, only 3 were
> and continue to be "hold outs" - of course, under King George,
> the US is one of them.
> (Clinton was guilty in spite of the urging of his vice
> president, as he always, always, always pursued the action
> that was politically most "favorable")
> >From this you can see that 98.3% of the various countries
> have chosen to head the warnings of  their scientists on this matter.
> 2) Do at least a LITTLE research on the scientific reports that
> were requested by and sent to the current administration - and
> then ALTERED by said administration & the number of former
> advisors who have resigned as a result of the bull headed refusal
> of the administration to accept the truth, even when research
> was conducted by their own scientific advisors.
> 3) See Burk's "Before the Warming" (Made in the early 1990s,
> it is scary how exactly, as scientifically predicted, the results
> of global warmiing have progressed thus far.
> 4) See "An Inconvenient Truth."
>         I am confident that you are intelligent and sane enough
> that, once having reflected upon the above, any reluctance to
> see the evidence in this matter will be gone.
>         If, after reviewing the above, anyone remains unconvinced,
> I suggest they buy an ostrich ranch as that way they will be
> among those who are equally like minded and scientifically
> aware.
>         Sincerely, Michael Blood
> on 6/9/07 2:41 PM, Rob McCafferty at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> This post simply underlines a theory I had presented
>> to me 10 years ago, that global warming is just a
>> phase.
>> If as little as 13000 years ago, the sahara was
>> watered grassland, and the sahara grew before
>> industry, how likely that we are the influence of
>> climate change?
>> I do not work for Shell, BP, Xxon, etc. I Just think
>> that humans have an over-inflated opinion of their
>> significance.
>> Even so, I will confess to actively reducing my carbon
>> footprint over the last 2 years.
>> Sorry, I know it's not met related.
>> Rob McC
>> --- "Sterling K. Webb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Tom, List
>>>     Dean Bessey used to (may yet) sell neolithic
>>> arrowheads from NWA. Most are probably 9000 to
>>> 13,000 years old, from the time that the Sahara
>>> was a well-watered grassland with scattered forest
>>> stands and lots of big game, well illustrated in
>>> the rock drawings the neolithic peoples left behind:
>> http://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&hl=en&safe=off&q=+site:images.jupiterima
>> ges.com+petroglyphs+sahara
>>>     You just got a freebie.
>>> Sterling K. Webb
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
>>> Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 11:35 PM
>>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Arrow head found in box of
>>> Moroccan
>>> Meteoritefragments.
>>> Hi List,  You all will think I am  nuts.  I was
>>> going through a box of small
>>> meteorite fragments sorting out  interesting pieces
>>> and attractive
>>> individuals.  It was out of 20 Kg. small  stuff, all
>>> unsorted and very dirty
>>> and I found
>>> an arrow head.  Nice shape.  About 1 inch total
>>> length.
>>> Are there any arrow heads found in the region  where
>>> meteorites would be
>>> shipped from Morocco?
>>> Thanks,  Tom
>>> ************************************** See what's
>>> free at
>>> http://www.aol.com.
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> If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran
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> Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how
> many people you brought with you.  ­ Anonymous
> --
> I have given two cousins to war and I stand
> ready to sacrifice my wife's brother.
>          Artemus Ward
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