So true Mike Farmer.  That is the problem with our age.  We want
everything never taking into consideration what we leave those that
follow us after we are dead and gone.

They will curse us or thank us for what we do now.

But to do nothing about global warming now, which is a scientifically
proven fact, pretty much leaves them with a ruined world and a curse
for us.

(Maybe by then they will have left this planet to terraform Mars, and
mine asteroids (parent bodies of the meteorites we love) for their
resources, all the while looking out into space or up into a Martian
sky at a bright star that was the world we ruined.)

Steve Schoner.

[meteorite-list] Global Warming - Scientifically proven or a farce
Michael Farmer meteoriteguy at
Sun Jun 10 13:25:59 EDT 2007

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Paul, ok, lest say you are the proud winner of that
bet! Bush got his way, America refused to do it's part
and the oceans only raise 4 feet in the next 10 years.

I guess you had better go to Florida/New York
City/Boston, most of the Gulf Coast, and well, most of
the Island nations in the Pacific. They will be gone,
good job! Oh, and the Billionairs on Long Island and
Cape Cod had better sell their homes now, since a 4
foot rise in sealevel will wash them all away. What
will Dubya do without the family compound in
I lived in Key West Florida. The highest point of the
island is 6 feet. Most of the island is less than 3
feet above sea level, as is a very large part of
Florida. Kiss it goodbye, and trillions of $$$ of
land, homes, and a huge part of our nation.
Does that make it ok to ignore the melting glaciers,
ok to do what we are doing now and not even bother
making changes? That is SICK!
Unfortunately that is the mentality of a huge part of
our nation today, all about me, my money, and today,
screw tomorrow, and I gues screw our children, and
grandchildren, they can learn to live in the crappy
world we created today to get "ours" right?
My kids (If I ever have any) will likely never see a
glacier in Switzerland, a Polar bear in northern
Canada, or a white Greenland. It is all going away.
sort of makes me not want to have kids, so they will
not have to suffer for our mistakes.
Michael Farmer 

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