Hello Howard, Steve and List,

"All current information about Great Bear Lake can be found
on page 222 of the Catalogue of Meteorites. Very interesting."

Here is what I've found in my database but I don't know who this
info comes from - maybe from Mark Bostick but I'm not sure:

Paper: La Porte City Progress
Location: La Porte City, IA
Date:  Thursday, August 26 1937

Meteorite on Ice Served to Smithsonian Institution

Washington. - A stone from the sky, found on the ice near Great Bear Lake in
northern Canada, has been added to the Smithsonian institution collection of
meteorites. An Indian picked it up, wondering at its peculiar form and the fact
that it was lying there on top of the ice, and brought it to the nearest 
The meteorite is about the size of a walnut, and aside from the peculiar 
of its discovery is not remarkable. It is thought to be a fragment of a much 
celestial projectile now probably at the bottom of the water. Search for the 
body will be made next summer. A second meteorite recently received by the
Smithsonian institution is the only one of its kind known to exist. It consists 
of the
mineral known as Chladnite, in a form different from that recorded for any 
known meteorite.




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