Nice coin, looks familiar.
Mike Farmer
--- Rob Wesel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello all-
> For the past few months I have been working on a new
> coin to commemorate the 
> 60 year anniversary of the Sikhote-Alin Fall.
> The front of the coin bears the face of E.L. Krinov,
> uncontested as the 
> scientist who brought this meteorite to the
> forefront and studied it beyond 
> compare. In the background is his diagram of the
> main mass breakup and fall 
> pattern.
> The reverse shows the now famous painting by the
> artist named Medvedev, 
> created from memory only moments after the fall. I
> would hazard a guess that 
> anyone who has a Sikhote meteorite in their
> collection has an archived copy 
> of this painting somewhere. Inset on the reverse is
> a piece of Sikhote 
> meteorite.
> The coin set was limited to a run of only 300 so
> there are not many to go 
> around.
> Coin numbers 1-20, 100, 200, and 300 are reserved
> for a later time.
> Any other lucky numbers are available and I will try
> to meet requests. I 
> would ask that you order a coin with a request,
> knowing that I will do my 
> best but if it is gone you'll get a random draw.
> Orders of blocks of coins can get consecutive
> numbers.
> Coin number 60 is an important number in this set
> and I reserve that one for 
> the buyer to acquire the 60th coin, something of a
> lottery prize
> Through the weekend I am offering a discount from
> web pricing and coins will 
> be $30 each.
> U.S. Shipping $2 for one to two coins $4 for more up
> to 2 pounds.
> Foreign shipping $5 for one to two coins, $11 for
> more up to 4 pounds.
> I will be setting the meteorite pieces in the coins
> to order, if you wish to 
> have no meteorite set in the coin, so as you may use
> your own, just let me 
> know.
> Sikhote-Alin is one of the mainstay pieces in every
> collection. Large or 
> small, having one of these coins sitting next to you
> collection piece will 
> add eye appeal and a sense of history.
> I am pleased with the way these turned out, I hope
> you are too.
> Thanks for looking,
> P.S. for the collectors of rare and weird, I have
> one flawed and two 
> prototype coins available at $50 each. The flawed is
> a #1 and has been 
> remade, the corrected #1 resides with me. The two
> prototypes are one that is 
> chromed and a #300 with a different numbering
> schematic later corrected to a 
> #300 consistent with the rest of the set.
> Rob Wesel
> ------------------
> We are the music makers...
> and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
> Willy Wonka, 1971
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