Hi Mal - 

Thanks for your post on the new Barringer Crater
internet site.  

When I was writing Man and Impact in the Americas I
took a look at Barringer as I needed a quick and dirty
scaling law.  The blast energies estimated varied by
almost an order of magnitude, which made it a real
nightmare, as nuclear explosion effects is not exactly
my strong suite.

The part that currently gets to me in the estimate of
impact effects from Barringer is the minimum size
given to the fire.  I suspect that excavating sample
meters a considerable distance from Barringer is going
to show fire, as it probably only took a few cinders
per square meter to set one ablaze.

My other guess is that the death of all cover and
shade plants in this fire led to the desert ecology we
see today: the long term consequences of a relatively
instantaneous deforestation.  

The grasslands which were current shortly after 50,000
BCE, before desertification fully set in, probably
account for the appearance of Clovis in the area.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas
also available via Mark Abbott at MOR design

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