Hello Eucrite Lovers and List,



Well, most slices of Fred's anomalous eucrite have been sold! I wonder if
anyone of those collectors who bought this material from Fred (I am one
of them - I purchased slices #008 and #014) thinks it is not only "similar"
to Dhofar 007 (as will be reported in a future issue of the Met.Bull.) but
that it *is* Dhofar 007.

I don't think so because the matrix of NWA 4677 seems to be a different color
and the plagioclase patches are "huge" (relatively speaking) especially in slice
#14 (that's what prompted me to buy it!). Furthermore, there are those large
"clasts" of comminuted material in Fred's anomalous eucrite - they are very
prominent in most slices and I don't remember seeing them this distinctly in
Dhofar 007.

Best wishes,


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