Hello Jeff P. and List,


Jeff wrote:

That's an unusual texture, I think the geologists call it spherulitic - 
indicative of rapid cooling. Here's an example of a similar texture
in Apollo rock 60017:

Anyone recall seeing another meteorite with that texture?

The following meteorites are described as having similar textures:

NWA 1000, a highly shocked eucrite:

"subophitic and slightly variolitic (fan-spherulitic) texture with laths
of plagioclase (up to 4 mm long) and pyroxene (up to 5 mm)."

NWA 1240, an anomalous, unbrecciated eucrite:

"achondrite consisting of skeletal low-Ca pyroxene phenocrysts in a variolitic
(fan-spherulitic) mesostasis of pyroxenes, plagioclase,...The rock resembles
some Apollo 15 pigeonite basalts but mineral and bulk rock compositions
indicate a relationship to eucrites."


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