Dear List,

I would like to make a correction to a statement  I
made yesterday in regards to the Tektite looking
objects. Dr. Irving of the University of Washington
corrected me on one of my statements.  These objects
do plot on the TFL line with CAIs but are so far along
the line as to be off of the charts and have to be
extrapolated. As I stated yesterday, I was going from
memory since my notes and images were lost when I
replaced my computer some time back.

On another note, I was accused of not taking these
objects seriously. We have done everything we can in
regards to having these studied. The University of
Washington, Northern Arizona University and Carnegie
were all involved with looking at these. Even Dr.
Brownlee, the lead scientist on the Stardust mission
had a peek at these curious objects.  I lost interest
about the time zinc was found but other scientists are
looking into isotope fractionation, something
completely outside my limited knowledge of the

Best Regards,


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