Yes Michael, I especially like the good point about the over-the-top replies to
Steve (nasty, vulgar, mean-spirited, etc.).  But I must note that it should
have been "tootles".

Sorry, couldn't resist another spelling correction.  Maybe I should spell check
this - and also take the time to bottom post...

I do like Moni's idea - I haven't had much time to contribute, and find it very
difficult to catch up with the posts, having to wade through all the spam. 
I'll probably start blocking some members as per her suggestion, but
occasionally an interesting meteorite comment is added to a thread, but the
writer doesn't change the subject line.  So something noteworthy is missed when
the spam thread is deleted (since many interesting posts are ignored, and
nobody picks up the good topic).  Anyways, I just couldn't resist contributing
some spam (after in goring innumerable opportunities trying to catching up). 
And I apologize if I misspell something because I types so fast.  It doesn't
mean I'm unedjumakated, just rushed.  And in true Steve fashion, I promise not
to post spam again, though I will keep the promise (I do with Steve well, and
happy collecting).  And thanks Jason for reminding us to take the high road....

Clear skies,  

Mark Bowling

--- Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well spoken,
>         Jason.
>         Michael
> > Also, note the misspelling in Don's post ;)
> > Unlike my last email, I think his was short enough for his email
> > provider's spell check function to still work properly.  Shame it
> > didn't.
> > 
> > Toodles,
> > 
> > Jason

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