Hi Sergey-

I've been in India many times, and for extended periods. During most of those times, I was working with scientists and physicians, so I feel quite confident about my comments that Indian scientists (a generalization, of course) do often see the world differently, and also that the public view of science is quite different in India than in the developed west.

I've never been to Russia, but since skepticism and pseudoscience are interests of mine, I consider myself well informed about scientific opinion in Russia. In particular, I note that there have been several panels of important scientists with sterling international reputations who have urged the Russian government and Russian educational institutions to address the problem of rampant pseudoscience in their country. Their letters, which resemble the sort that groups of Nobel laureates in the U.S. offer up in regards to Intelligent Design, are far broader than any single area. It is quite clear that many respected scientists in Russia consider this to be a serious problem.

IMO Russian science, both institutional and public, has yet to recover from the massive politicization of the Soviet era. That certainly does not mean that good science doesn't come from Russia or the former Soviet countries (indeed, most of the foundations of modern meteoritics came from Czechoslovakia, while it was a Soviet satellite). All it means is that there may be more chaff mixed with the wheat in some countries- Russia included.


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sergey Vasiliev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Chris Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 6:49 PM
Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Family Claims MeteoriteFellInTheirCourtyardinIndia

Hello Chris and all,

Chris, you point is good. Really. But somehow I have a feeling that all your
logic is based on the newspaper's articles.
You had been in India for a few days - I got it. Have you been in Russia? If
so, where did you meet the scientists? In the church?

As for the meteorites, MetBulls from #1(1957) till #49(1970) were printed in
Here is a link:

Just a link to think about ;-)

All the best to all!

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