Fred wrote:

I am trying to put a display together on the Nordlinger-Reis crater
for the Mineral Show here in Denver next month. I am looking for
two photos for the display. One showing the walled town in the
impact crater and another of Gene Shoemaker standing by the
church made of impact breccia.

Hello Fred and List,

Correct spelling = Ries not Reis ;-)

=> Nördlinger Ries <=

While I can't come up with the desired photo of Gene Shoemaker
standing by the church made of suevite (by the way the church has
an official name, it's the St. Georgskirche or St. George's Church
and its 90-meter high tower was dubbed the "Daniel" by the people
of the town of Nördlingen), I will attach a photo in my private mail
to you, a photo that shows E.C.T. Chao, Gene Shoemaker, and R.
Dehm in 1983 standing in front of the Nördlingen townhall. The text
says that these three celebrities did groundbreaking work and thus
solved the Ries mystery.

The photo was scanned from this booklet:

KAVASCH J. (1985) Meteoritenkrater Ries - Ein geologischer Führer, p.32.
KAVASCH J. (1985) Ries Meteorite Crater - A geological Guide, p. 32.

Best wishes,


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