on 8/27/07 2:06 AM, dean bessey at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I just dont see the point of using a cube rather than
> a coin for size. 
Hi Dean,
        Hope all is going well down under - and over a notch to the right.
        Coins are very poor substitutes for a cm cube. A cm is a measurement
Used by something like 164 of the 167 recognized countries in the world,
And the other 3 use the metric system for scientific purposes. Therefore,
A cm is universally recognized as a specific unite of both size and
Relative mass (one gram of water), whereas a coin is known only to
those in the country in which the coin was minted and those relative
few who visit there. I, myself, have on more than one occasion looked
at a meteorite photo with a "foreign coin" in the photo and said to
myself, "Now, if I only knew the size of that coin, I would know the
size of the specimen in the photo."
        This problem does not exist with a cm cube.
        In addition, the specimen can be photographed from multiple angles
With he cube being rotated with it, indicating the side showing. (Typically
marked N,S,E,W.Top & Bottom). You cannot do that with a coin.
>On another note I would like to know what kind of
>research that the scientists who contacted michael
>blood was doing.
        He was doing research on the magnetic responsiveness of
Various meteorites - which is dramatically changed if exposed to
A magnet, making any such testing impossible.
        Best wishes, Michael

When Jesus said, "Love your enemies" I think he
probably meant don't kill them.

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