UK samples set for a taste of space
Science and Technology Facilities Council
September 10, 2007

Samples of micro organisms, antibodies, fluorescent dyes and rock from
Devon are amongst a European payload which will be sent into near Earth
orbit this week onboard an unmanned Russian spacecraft - exposing them to
the extreme conditions found in space.

The Foton - M3 capsule will be launched by a Soyuz rocket from Baikonur
Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Friday 14th September at 12 noon BST (1700 
local time). After 9 minutes of propelled flight the Foton will reach a 
low earth orbit where it will remain for 11.8 days before the re-entry 
capsule will return to Earth.

The Foton-M3 will be carrying a European payload of 400 kg covering
experiments in a wide range of disciplines including fluid physics, 
biology, crystal growth, meteoritics, radiation dosimetry and exobiology.

The European Space Agency's (ESA) Biopan facility which is attached to the
outside of the Foton will be used to expose experiment samples directly to
the space environment in order to study the impact of space's extreme
temperatures, ultraviolet, cosmic and other solar radiation, and 
near-perfect vacuum.

Amongst the samples that make up the Biopan payload are the following which
are in part funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council

o Antibodies and fluorescent dyes to be used in the Life Marker Chip
         (LMC) instrument that is being developed under UK lead for
         ESA's ExoMars missioo
o Micro organisms for ESA's STONE artificial meteorite experiment
o Rock samples containing micro organisms from cliffs at Beer, East Devon

The LMC will look for specific molecules associated with life by detecting
biomarkers. Such techniques have been developed in the medical and
biotechnology sectors but have not been used in space before. LMC lead
scientist Dr Mark Sims from University of Leicester, comments, "Space is
inherently a risky business but there are only so many tests that you can
do on the ground. Biopan provides us with a platform to expose biological
samples to a space environment and gives us the opportunity to expose our
biosensor components to a space radiation environment in order to confirm
their survivability."

Dr David Cullen, LMC scientist and lead scientist on the LMC on Biopan
experiment, from Cranfield University adds, "We will be testing the 
effect of various extreme environments encountered during space flight 
of antibodies and fluorescent dyes such as the effects of launch and 
re-entry, ground handling and the space radiation environment - all 
critical issues for a future Mars mission."

Also onboard Biopan, all be it on the outside of the capsule, are samples 
of micro organisms that make up the ESA STONE artificial meteorite experiment.
The organisms are dried onto the underside of several artificial meteorites
made from sedimentary and igneous rocks which are attached to the outside
of the heat shield - exposing them fully to the space environment.

This follows up an experiment flown on the previous Foton flight which
demonstrated how the atmospheric transit of organisms acts as a strong
biogeographical dispersal filter to the interplanetary transfer of
photosynthesis. This time the experiment will focus on whether by being
on the underside of different materials effects the survival of organisms
during atmospheric entry.

Professor of Microbiology and STONE scientist Charles Cockell from The Open
University explains further, "This work advances our knowledge of how 
island biogeography might work on an interplanetary scale. We know that life can
make it from continent to continent, but what about from planet to planet?
Of course, at the moment we don't know of life on another planet, but
this experiment is an intriguing test of an interplanetary version of an
old ecological question and can at least tell us whether the Earth has
always remained a biological island in space."

Professor Cockell adds, "We will also be sending up samples of rock from
Beer in Devon as part of experiment called LITHOPANSPERMIA. The samples
contain diverse photosynthetic organisms. This is to test the ability of
organisms to survive in interplanetary conditions. Photosynthesis is the 
basis of a productive biosphere, so understanding its ability to be 
transferred between planets is of great interest."

The re-entry capsule is scheduled to land in a remote area on the
Russian/Kazahkstan border on 26th September where it will be recovered by
a specialist team. The samples from the ESA experiments will first be
transported to its ESTEC facility in the Netherlands and then to various
other institutions for further analysis.

For related ESA materials and to follow the progress of the mission see

Press Contacts
Gill Ormrod - Science and Technology Facilities Council Press Office
Tel: 01793 442012. Mobile : 0781 8013509

Franco Bonacina - ESA Media Relations
Tel: : +33 (0) 1 5369 7155

UK Science Contacts
Dr Mark Sims - University of Leicester
Tel: 0116 2523513

Dr David Cullen - Cranfield University
Tel: 01525 863538

Professor Charles Cockell -The Open University
Tel: 01908 652588

Notes to Editors
For images of Foton capsules, samples, the LMC module and the cliffs at
Beer contact Gill Ormrod – details above. They will also be available at

Foton missions
For further details of the Foton missions see

European involvement in Foton missions
The European Space Agency has been participating in this kind of mission 
for 20 years and the twelve day Foton-M3 mission becomes the twelfth such 
mission with ESA involvement.

The mission is part of an agreement signed between ESA and the Russian
Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) on 21st October 2003. The agreement 
covered two Foton flights (Foton-M2 and Foton-M3), which have a combined total 
660kg of ESA supplied scientific payloads onboard.

Biopan has a motor driven, hinged lid and is equipped with devices and
sensors that measure the various aspects of the environment to which the
experiments are subjected. Once Foton is in orbit, a telecommand is sent
from the ground and the lid opens to expose the samples to the environment.
At the end of the mission, another command is sent and the lid closes. 
Since Biopan is on the outside of the Foton, it also has its own ablative heat
shield to protect the facility and samples during the space craft's 
re-entry and landing.

Science and Technology Facilities Council

The Science and Technology Facilities Council ensures the UK retains its
leading place on the world stage by delivering world-class science; 
accessing and hosting international facilities; developing innovative 
technologies; and increasing the socio-economic impact of its research 
through effective knowledge exchange partnerships.

The Council has a broad science portfolio including Astronomy, Particle
Physics, Particle Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics, Space Science, Synchrotron
Radiation, Neutron Sources and High Power Lasers. In addition the Council
manages and operates three internationally renowned laboratories:
o      The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire
o      The Daresbury Laboratory, Cheshire
o       The UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Edinburgh

The Council gives researchers access to world-class facilities and funds
the UK membership of international bodies such as the European Laboratory 
for Particle Physics (CERN), the Institute Laue Langevin (ILL), European
Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), the European organisation for
Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO) and the European 
Space Agency (ESA). It also contributes money for the UK telescopes 
overseas on La Palma, Hawaii, Australia and in Chile, and the MERLIN/VLBI 
National Facility, which includes the Lovell Telescope at Jodrell Bank 

The Council distributes public money from the Government to support
scientific research.  Between 2007 and 2008 we will invest
approximately over 700 million pounds.

The Council is a partner in the UK space programme, coordinated by the
British National Space Centre.

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