Also of note, after the big stink that was made at the last Macovich auction 
where Willamette was offered, I wanted to donate a nice piece to the tribe. 
They refused the offer and never returned any future calls.  Seems like the 
tribe just wants to make an issue and will never be satisfied.
Matt Morgan
Mile High Meteorites
P.O. Box 151293
Lakewood, CO 80215 USA

-----Original Message-----
From: "Rob Wesel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 11:27:13 
To:"Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Piece of Willamette Meteorite to be Auctioned

"As a tribe, we do not participate in such sales and auctions," Taylor said 
Thursday. "We view them with dismay."

This is from the spokesperson for the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.

If you had one of my most sacred cultural artifacts and were about to see it 
lost, tucked away or diced up, I would breach protocol "just this once".

Think they don't have the bankroll  for a $1.4M rock? Think again. Tomonowos 
is well within their reach, has been for years.

To use Paul's observation:

My guess would be that the consensus of the archaeologists and
anthropologists, whom I knew, would be that the feelings of a typical
member of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde towards
auctioning off this piece of the Willamette Meteorite would be
equivalent what a Roman Catholic would feel if someone had
obtained possession of a large piece of artwork from the Sistine
Chapel and was auctioning it off at either Southby's or Christie's.

They'd be pissed but "the church" wouldn't let it go to a collector unless 
it served some purpose to do so.

The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde seem content to "watch in dismay" 
(insert:  heads thrown back, dorsom of hand to forehead) and squawk from 
within their 90,000 sq/ft casino, currently under expansion construction, 
where no room is less than $104 any time of year.

I hope this is Pitts' last piece, the broohaha over this meteorite is tired 
and old.

Rob Wesel

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