I'm torn-- is this a threat of murder by indian spirits or a threat of murder by
EPG and friends?  You might want to keep a gun close at hand, just in case.

On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 14:08:48 -0400, you wrote:

>this is offensive, and not just to me, but to native americans.
>how is it, exactly, that you're expert in how vengeful native  
>american spirits will be---that is if they're vengeful at all?
>and might the measure of an honorable life mitigate the wrath you  
>predict, or are you just making this into a nice little primitive fable?
>and just to be clear, trust me, if get suddenly drop, it's not  
>because of a meteorite transaction; i've been pushing notions of good  
>living for far too long.
>moreover, there exist countless objects in nature that have been  
>venerated by previous cultures that we have no idea of---and that's a  
>free pass?!  is it tribe specific?   just checking.

>On Sep 20, 2007, at 1:49 PM, E.P. Grondine wrote:
>> Hi Paul (Litig8n-shark), all -
>> It's funny: you're worrying about the courts, while
>> oblivious to what has been observed to be incidents of
>> horrendous bad luck following upon the desecration of
>> native american religious artifacts. (I'm sorry, but
>> for the time being I'll have to leave that statement
>> without rigourous documentation.)
>> While some may have previously bought or sold
>> Williamette while oblivous to its earlier religious
>> use, if you now feel comfortable purchasing it at
>> auction, go on ahead. We need some data on mache
>> katet, and it should be easy enough to follow the
>> fates of the auction's winners.

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