Hi all,

I'm making a collage graphic for the MeteoriteWatch.com website logo header at the top of the page. I need meteorite photos for it.

I have some of my own and they're good but I had an idea. I wanted to get more people involved with the site and provide something for everyone that was helping me as a thank you!

What if I were to the collage with your "favorite meteorite photos" in the collage? In exchange for your photo contribution, I'd post a nice big THANK YOU on the (MW) website for all to see along with a copy of the photo contributed for the collage. In addition I would provide a link to your website if you have one.

Unrelated but to add even more excitement to it all, and get even more people involved I'm making a "Digital Meteorite Scrapbook" page here: http://www.meteoritewatch.com/meteorite-scrapbook.htm which will exhibit every possible type of meteorite art, photo, graphic and anything else I can think of to add to it. If you have something you want featured here email me and I'll post it!

Here's a link to a collage I made with some galaxy photos to show you the idea I had for the meteorite collage: http://www.meteoritewatch.com/images/universe-banner.jpg

I'll be posting a notice on the site about some charity related information in the next couple days. Stay tuned for that too...

Happy Hunting!

Eric Wichman
Meteorite-list mailing list

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