Hi, all,

Maybe I misunderstood the latest news releases regarding the "illnesses" in the 
Carancas crater event - haven't the ailments finally been attributed to Mass 



> Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 19:33:48 -0700
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Posting for Randall Gregory
> This morning we were sorting through the stones I collected from the
> Carancas crater and I had a small 1/2 kilogram bottle of very fine grained
> meteorites that bought from an old woman who patiently collected these
> grains for 3 days using a car speaker. She used the magnet on the speaker
> cone sifting through the dirt surrounding the crater.
> As my wife started to pour the grains onto a paper towel, she immediately
> said that here noise started to burn. She described it like a thousands
> little bees stinging the inside of her nose. I put my nose to the bottle and
> sniffed a little bit and felt the same sensation but more in my eyes and to
> a lesser degree. Later that day, a friend of ours who was visiting, and
> after showing here the meteorites, she said "I'm getting a headache". and we
> never told her about the irritation.There is a very good possibility that
> the vaporization or release of microscopic dust grains into the air was the
> cause of the complaints. It appears the effects have a lasting effect since
> my wife is still complaining of irritation. Her exact words are 'this dust
> has something and I think we need to store these outside'. My wife's
> occupation is a research biologist and said that she felt the same thing
> when opening bottles of sulfuric acid.
> My wife is very sensitive to chemicals, smoke and fumes. I can't smoke
> around her because it makes her ill and there is no way I can hide my habit
> from her. I had less of a reaction because I am a smoker and I'm more
> tolerant of smoke irritation. She's a human smoke detector par excellence.
> Tonight, she is complaining of nose, eye, and throat irritation. Anyway, it
> appears there is something in the meteorite that is acidic and irritating to
> mucus membranes. Tomorrow, I want to buy a PH tester and see what the
> results are. I'll try to get the results of the testing that the health
> officials performed on the people living close to the crater. I'll post the
> results of my research and testing.
> Greatly appreciated,
> Randall
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