Mike, could you please post this one also.
Mike Farmer suggested that any remaining fragments under water in the crater
would "Rot". Does anyone know exactly what would happen to this type of
meteorite left underwater?
And what effect would the water temperature and relative PH have on this
If I would have known this when I was at the Carancas crater, I would have
taken the water temperature at bottom depth at various times. At this time
of the year, the water temperature varies between 40° - 45°. The water in
the crater varies in depth, but I expect the bottom to remain consistent
with the water table temps.
If you've read my previous post. You know that the meteorite material
appears to have a irritating effect on mucus membranes and I expect the
material is acidic. I'm going to sacrifice a small stone by grinding it and
then putting it in a clean plastic film can filled with bottled water.
It would be interesting to find out what the PH value is inside the crater
vs. the water table. When I return to Carancas, I'll try to make that test.
If anyone is knows the effects of water on stoney meteorites, I would
appreciate feedback.

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