Than you very much for the photos.  I am willing to concede that this is 
probably really a meteorite fall.  I had big doubts earlier, because it was so 
anomalous compared to what we usually expect from a fall (choking vapors, 
'boiling' water, no meteorite recovered at first, little scientific information 
either except for the media hype).  I look forward to the final analysis.

Supposedly the area was shelled with additional small rocks.  Has anyone 
recovered any of these other pieces?  If they found some that hadn't been 
sitting in the bottom of a noxious puddle for several days, that would be even 
more scientifically valuable.

Tracy Latimer

> To:
> Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 22:22:55 -0400
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Titicaca meteorite-- phinally, photos
> Supplied by Randal Gregory. I believe that these are the first photos of any 
> of
> the meteorite to be available.
> Could it be an LL? The color, and the orangish spot in the first photo remind
> me of NWA 1584 (with the orangish in 1584 being around the troilite).
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