
After all the personal attacks on Mike and his wife (that was TOTALLY uncalled 
for) it's too late for you to claim the moral high ground.  You lost that 

You are quite transparent and your motives quite clear.  Your comments are all 
self-serving and the bottom line is... you only care about YOU.


>From: "Dr. Richard Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2007/10/03 Wed AM 06:09:41 CDT
>To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: [meteorite-list] Legal issues concerning Mike Farmer

>Mike has publically accused me of commiting a crime and attempting to
>ruin my professional standing in a community of professionals by
>sending e-mails to a United States audience of professional people on
>a United States server. This is considered slander. I believe American
>laws apply regardless of where I reside. I am still an American
>citizen.  Mr. Farmer can expect a summons when the lawyers have
>finished their legal research. Additionally, I will start legal action
>here in Peru for the crimes I believe that he comitted. Since he
>quelled my efforts to save the crater and meteorite by his actions, I
>am redirecting my efforts to this legal issue. To all of the following
>statements I have proof or a high degree of proof.
>Crime #1 tresspassing
>Failure to ask the owner's permission to trespass is considered a
>crime. I had negotiated to purchase the land the crater surrounding
>the crater, but not the crater itself in the interest of science. The
>land owner and I agreed to the price of $25,000. The deal was
>consumated with a hand shake. In Peru as in the United States it is
>considered a legal transaction. And anyone failing to ask permission
>is guilty of tresspassing under property right laws. I believe it is
>common practice for professional meteorite hunters to as permission
>first. I asked permission when I first arrived out of respect. It was
>this statement to Mr. Farmer when I told him I could have had him
>arrested for trespassing. That too is recorded in e-mail
>corrospondence with the list.
>Crime #2 Buying stolen property
>Mr. Farmer knew before-hand the police has meteorites and that these
>meteorite could have been considered stolen under both countries laws.
>A dated e-mail is in possession of the list-members. However, this
>presents a unique situation. After the meteorite struck, people called
>the police thinking that an airplane had crashed. People closest to
>the site started to complain of illness. The police gathered these
>strange gray fragments and took them back to the police station. Seven
>policemen started to complain of the same symptoms. They didn't know
>at the time what these fragments were or how dangerous they might be.
>If it had, in reality, been a nuclear powered satellite (if one even
>exists) these heroic police might be dead by now. It was the
>scientists from the Max Schreir Planetarium in Bolivia that asked the
>police if they could by some stones from them. It's quite possible
>that they sold others to the University of San Augustin in Arequipa,
>Peru.but I am unaware of any transaction. I purchased the large stone
>explaining to the police that I wanted to donate it to scientific
>instutions in Peru and the United States. They sold me a stone. Mr.
>Farmer solicited the police to sell him a stone. To this he has
>already admitted. Since he knew these were stolen from my e-mail. He
>had prior knowledge and was fully aware. To date, Mr. Farmer and I are
>the only two Americans to have stones from this fall.
>Crime #3 Conspiracy to commit Grand Larceny
>Mr. Farmer made suggestions to currently persons unknown (but will be
>found) of how the meteorite might be extracted at night, privately and
>without government support. This is conspiracy to comit grand larceny.
> His statement was reported to the police by a person of conscience.
>Although these people are poor, they have religion and are basically
>He essentially admitted to the crime when he made the statement that
>the police wanted him to leave when he had purchased stones from them
>the day before. Mike was the goose that laid the golden egg. The price
>he paid the police has not been determined but it is expected to be
>quite large since the police already had a relative worth of the
>Sidenote:  If I was a policeman in Desag and a man was paying me money
>for rocks, I would protect this walking ATM and try to keep him safe
>and protected. I would also want to keep him around as long as
>A bigger part of the problem is that it is believed that he posted
>flyers throughout the town, saying he would pay big money for rocks
>which is a common technique Mr. Farmer uses. His Columbia expedition
>stated that he posted hundreds of flyers. Upon reading the flyers, the
>dirt-poor people of Desaguadero literally ran to the crater to find
>rocks and swamed the scene. He also told people that there was a very
>valuable meteorite worth thousands and thousands of dollars buried in
>the crater. This in turn caused other people to protest the municpal
>offices, demanding the government dig out the meteorite. The mayor of
>Desaguadero tried to comply with the wishes of the people. Especially
>since this is an election year. It was a crude attempt at best, but
>nevertheless an attempt.
>This, almost full-scale uprising and protest drew the attention of the
>people of Puno. The regional government petitioned the Ministry of the
>Interior to declare the area government property. The property is now
>cordoned off and police guards posted. Last night on the National news
>channel reported that 3 American wanted to steal the meteorite in
>Desaguadero. This is all the information I have to date...
>a.k.a Dr. Richard Daniels  (My father's first name & Jack Daniels last)
>Meteorite-list mailing list

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