Hello All,

I would like to invite you to take a look at this fascinating,
translucent, wafer-thin slice of the Tatahouine diogenite.

I was thrilled to see and photograph this phenomenon called
mosaicism, these 90° cleavages and all these readily recognizable
crystal faces.

This dazzling white "arrowhead" (looks like the bow of a ship) in
the eight o'clock position probably represents the exact outlines
of that part of a euhedral pyroxene crystal!

Does anybody have any information about the nature of the dark
bands that are visible not only in this backlit specimen but usually
in all Tatahouine specimens? Shock darkening?

Well, while we are at it: We usually thank Michael Johnson for all
these beautiful pictures but have you ever thought about making a
donation? Saying "Thank you!" is fine but webspace costs money!

Michael added me to the contribution list today. See here:


Well, my $20 won't make a huge difference - but 10x, 20x or 30x that
amount by several list members will have an "impact" and we can thus
make sure that Michael can continue letting us enjoy list members' out-
standing photographic contributions!!!

Best wishes,


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