"Dr. Daniels", dear List Members,

So you want "full disclosure"?

Like McCartney Taylor, I would also like to know the institution you did
your PhD at... And, could you please enlighten us why you are operating
under two different names, one claiming a (questionable?) academic degree? I
don't know for the laws in your country, but at least in Europe it's a
criminal offense to use fake academic degrees or to attach an academic
degree to a fictional name. JFYI.

On another issue: in several posts you claimed that you'd respect the
(indigenous) people in South America, local laws, etc. pp. But then you

> Additonally, naming it Lake Titicaca allows Bolivia to share. It is
> right on the boarder (political). There is a saying in Peru about the
> lake. Peru has the titty and Boliva has the caca. :)

While the first part of your statement is true - the fall area of this new
meteorite is actually not too far away from the famous ruins of Tihuanaku on
the Bolivian side of the border - the people in Bolivia would certainly not
be amused by your "joke"... (I seriously doubt that it's a Peruvian saying
as it doesn't make much sense in Quechua or Aymara, and not even in the
usual South American "Castillano".) I wonder what my old friend and teacher
Dr. Jorge Miranda-Luizaga from the Ministerio de Justicia, Bolivia, would
make of this, and your attitude of being a "big fish" in the Lake Titicaca
(area), or in South America at large? If you like, I can ask him.

You seem to believe that you can insult everyone - the scientific community
by using a (questionable?) academic degree, and attaching it to the name of
a Whiskey brand (I got this from one of your recent emails to this list);
other meteorite hunters who did nothing else than you (buying pieces of this
meteorites from the locals), and then calling them criminals; the people of
Bolivia; and last but not least the members of this list by playing silly
games with us. At least I'm disgusted, and sick of it. 

Norbert Classen

PS: If you respond to this email please make sure to sign with your REAL
name, or am I expecting too much???

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