Hi Martin, and All,

Actually, NWA 4808 can be found in the Meteoritical Bulletin Database,
whereas just as a provisional entry. Have a look:


In any case, that's a fantastic diogenite!


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Hi Bernd,

I can confirm, that NWA 4808 and 4473 are paired (were classified at the
same place). We didn't know, how to act correctly, as the owner of 4473,
insisted in spring, that he wished, that we never should mention paired
material in his possession or his name in our Ads. Like he seems to do too,
when he has material for sale paired with ours, if I look here and there
into ebay. NWA 4808 isn't listed in the Bulletin yet, therefore that little

Anyway it is fascinating material. Additionally to the observations you
made, this meteorite has some more unusual aspects. So no eucritic
components were found in those stones, but fragments of three different
diogenitic precursors. Therefore it must have a somewhat unusual impact

Our "special" was sold out the same day, we found a few more slices in our
stock, now only 3 or 4 small ones are left. As small as NWA 4808 was, it was
quite heterogeneous, macroscopically the slices were quite different from
each other.

If someone is looking for larger surfaces, I saw Mike Cottingham having NWA
4473 on ebay some weeks ago, perhaps he has some left.

Am I the only one, who can't await, that Dawn will arrive at Vesta?

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