Interesting photo's. Are those vesicles which are visible especially in
the larger slices?

Made me wonder what the composition of gases trapped inside them would
be? I assume that somebody, somewhere has looked into this? Surely this
would provide excellent evidence for their source, as it did for Martian
stones. If Muong Nong formed in 'molten pools' on the Earth surface then
presumably the gas mix would be that of Earth hundreds of thousands of
years ago. Would the same be true for the other shapes if their source
was the Earth or Moon, or would the passage through Earth's atmosphere
from either source result in the same composition?

Certainly provided me with some food for thought, I'd be interested in
hearing from other, better informed, list members!



Phil Morgan wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Don't know why, but I don't see many tektite slices for sale for
> study.  I suspect it's because a) nobody else is interested :-) and b)
> splash forms tend to self-destruct if you try to cut them.
> I cut some slices off a small Muong Nong (layered) tektite and thought
> I'd toss them out to see if anyone else is interested.
> I posted some pictures here:
> Didn't invest much time and the photos aren't great but will hopefully
> suffice.  I borrowed a light box my wife has for crafts and it's not
> very bright.  You will find pictures of: a set of ultra thin pieces,
> three thicker pieces (pic is mostly for size reference), one of the
> thicker pieces backlit with a small mag-light flashlight, and a
> comparison of the thicknesses
> I was surprised how opaque this stuff really is - at least compared to
> a splahsform that I cut once.  The ultra-thin ones are straight off
> the saw. I will polish the saw marks out of the thicker pieces but
> don't have the equipment to truly polish them.
> Not sure how to price them since the material isn't very expensive,
> but they weren't easy to cut (at least on my simple setup) so figure
> that the cost is mostly for my effort.
> How about this:
> Thin slices:
> $15 for the ultra-thin full slice (top left)
> $7.50 each for the three mid-size pieces
> $5 each for the two small micros (bottom right)
> Thicker slices
> $10 each for the full slices
> And add $3 for packing and shipping.
> Thanks and regards,
> Phil
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