Greetings all,
        I have been in communication with Geoff Notkin  up
Until a few days ago, but haven't been able to connect him the
Last few days. We were discussing how both the Auction
And the Birthday Bash are relocating this year AND how
The date of the Tucson Show would be unusually "late" this
        This is how it works: The "Retail Show" is held this
Year on the weekend of Feb. 15th. The Auction and Birthday
Bash are always held the weekend PRIOR to the "Retail
Show" which always marks the END of the wholesale show.
The reason is, 2 weekends prior to the Retail Show is when
The wholesale dealers START SHOWING UP - with a few
Not there until as late as Tuesday - and a few not until Wed.
By the weekend prior to the Retail Show, EVERYONE
is there, set up and dealing.
       The weekend OF the "Retail Show" marks the end, and
About half the meteorite dealers are leaving or gone by that
Saturday. (Each dealer varies a day or two as to when they
Are gone - and vary as to when they arrive by as much as
Several days) So, the weekend PRIOR to the "Retail Show"
Is the only weekend when everyone is there. This year that
Will be the weekend of Feb. 8.
        The schedule will be:
Birthday Bash:  Fri, Feb. 8
Tucson Auction: Sat, Feb. 9
        Al Lang has told me he will NOT be holding his former auction. I
Have not been in contact with Darryl Pitt, but my understanding
Is he will not be having an auction this year. If he were, he always
Holds his auctions on Sunday the weekend prior to the "Retail Show."
        So, that is it. Geoff will be announcing the exact time and the
New location he and Steve Arnold will be holding the Birthday Bash.
I will be posting a catalog SOON with a map to the new location
(about the same distance from INN SUITES as before - and as easy
To find). 
        Geoff told me he had heard from several out of town visitors
That they had booked rooms for the weekend of Feb. 1. They are
Encouraged to change their reservations ASAP, as they would be very
Lonely, indeed, if they were to come that weekend. Many dealers
Will not have arrived, few will be set up and many will be scurrying
Here and there in preparation of setting up. So, not only would early
Arrivals miss many or most dealers, they would miss the big weekend
When everyone IS there.
        Best wishes, Michael

Jesus was killed by a "stress position."
In the US it is now "legal" to place
People in a "stress position." (sometimes,
Done for days - as well as repeated drowning
& revival, refrigeration and boxes that
Do not allow sitting, standing or lying down).
No trial, no lawyer, just torture....for months
Or years. You can thank  King George, our
complacent Senate and our willing citizenry.
        Didn't we used to be "the good guys?"
Michael Blood

Stop Torture here:

Feed the hungry HERE:


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