I think this went out in rich text by accident; if it shows up 2x, I 

Wups! Sounds like I may have inadvertently stepped on some academic toes. I 
don't mean to accuse the good doctor of faking anything, and apologize if it 
came out like that. I'm just trying to imagine a cosmic event that would hurl 
near-microscopic BBs of iron through the atmosphere at meteoric speed without 
reducing them to incandescent vapor, yet have them keep enough inertia and heat 
to penetrate bone and ivory. Popular cinema representations aside 
("Armageddon", anyone?) meteorites that go that fast and are that small are 
really meteors and burn up before hitting the ground. Slightly bigger bits, a 
la Holbrook, went into dark/cold flight long before getting near the ground. 
Our atmosphere is a very efficient protection device. Given the extraordinary 
claim, I'd like extraordinary evidence.

Is there a terrestrial phenomenon that would fill the bill, like volcanic ash? 
Where were the tusks and bones originally found, and in conjunction with what 
sediments/plant matter/snow? Were they on the surface, or did they have to be 
excavated, and can their location be revisited for sampling? Have deposits of 
the smoking iron pellets (okay from now on, I'm just going to call them Hot 
Hail, as in the Flash Gordon Emperor Ming device) been found elsewhere, in the 
same manner as the K-T iridium layer? If the Hot Hail penetrated mammoth tusks, 
we should find them imbedded in soil deposits, snow layers, and tree trunks 
from the same era. Did the Hot Hail have a strewnfield?

 I know, I know.... too many questions with no theory.
 Tracy Latimer
>> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 19:30:26 -0600
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mammoths Found Peppered with Meteorite 
>> Fragments
>> Hi, List
>> Well, I knew we were going to get back to those
>> mammoth teeth... How about the history of the
>> whole crazy thing? Who is Richard B. Firestone?
>> Firestone is a well-established scientist
>> I think you can dismiss the shotgun theory, really:
>> No Cardiff Giant, no Abominable Snow Man, no fake
>> diamond mine, no Barnum tricks.
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