Dear List Members,

For my final Rare and Special offering of 2007, but certainly not the least, I would like to introduce NWA 4799. It is Northwest Africa's first and only "true" Aubrite. This meteorite finally puts to rest to what a true NWA aubrite should look like, I am even offering a "100% Money Back Guarantee" that the classification will remain as "aubrite". I feel I must spell this out in writing from the start because of all of the EL3 confusion. Click on the link below to read the entire classification and see what is available.

Here are a couple of links to close-up views of some of the enstatite grains which NWA 4799 is almost entirely made up of:
26x magnification:
20x magnification:
32x magnification:

Here is the direct eBay link to the largest available pieces of NWA 4799, some are polished, some are complete individuals (awesome when viewed under a microscope!!):

I forgot to include "meteorite" in the subject line of these eBay auctions so you need to type "NWA 4799" in quotes in order to see just them when you search from eBay, otherwise just click the above link.

Thank you for a great year, I hope to be able to bring more rare and exotic meteorites to you next year.

Happy Holidays!

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163
Click here for my current eBay auctions:

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