Are there that many meteorites being found in Nevada and California to "clog the whole system"?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "JKGwilliam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mark Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'AL Mitterling'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Samples

A major part of the problem are the people hunting in
Nevada/California, submitting every 2 or 3 gram
chondrite they find, it has clogged the whole system.
Michael Farmer
--- JKGwilliam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know that many of the Arizona meteorite hunters
had loyalties to
University of Arizona and/or Arizona State
University in the
past.   Several years ago, it wasn't unusual to get
a classification
(free) done in just a few months depending on who
you knew at which
school and what you relationship to them was. The
universities were excited to see more Arizona
material start showing
up. But as time went by and meteorite hunting
popularity increased,
so did  the amount of material submitted to labs for

classification.  I don't know if I'm right, but I
suppose that the
meteorite scientists might have lost their interest
in the common
stuff after seeing so much of it.  Prior to that,
there was very
little material submitted for classification.

Just my opinion,
At 12:17 PM 12/29/2007, Mark Crawford wrote:
>At the risk of sounding naive, why /wouldn't/ you
pay for
>professional classification?  If Bessey's fee of
around $80 is
>typical (and I admit, I don't know if that's the
case), why would
>you risk lost samples or interminable delays?  Why
not just add an
>extra buck/gramme to the sale price?
>I guess what I'm asking is, what's the
non-financial reason for
>lodging with a non-fee-charging establishment?  Do
>labs only validate a limited range of types (eg -
Bathurst don't do
>irons)? Do you have no say over where the type
specimen gets lodged?
>JKGwilliam wrote:
>>I suppose the only solution is to pay for the
>>services so true "professionals" will be handling
>>specimen.  Please don't misunderstand my use of
the word
>>"professional."  I'm talking about scientists who
are also business

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