In a message dated 1/7/2008 1:21:00 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
Hi all,
This is funny. Anne why are you  mad? I admitted that
there were 3 or 4 other women - you named 6 more  -
besides you and Maria.  Besides, It wasn't meant as a
"dis", or  "slam" to women. It wasn't meant to be
derogatory in any way. I just made a  statement. Women
for the most part DO NOT TAKE PART in meteorites  or
meteorite hunting. 

So what is your point again? That there are 8  women on
this list, or that there are 25, maybe 50 even? There
are (I've  been told) over 700 people on this list. If
that's true and there are even 50  women that are
really into meteorite hunting or collecting on here.
Where  are they? 

Ruben Garcia
Phoenix, Arizona
_ ( 
I am not at all mad Ruben.  I meant to be sarcastic. 
And since I sent my previous email I have thought of at least half a dozen  
other women who like meteorites.
Because we don't participate in the arguments one the List, or go meteorite  
hunting, does not mean we are not interested.
I haven't been  meteorite-hunting yet, simply because I do not have time.

And I am not  mad!  Really!!!      

Anne M.  Black
Vice-President, I.M.C.A.  Inc.

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